
Baedeker notes on page 274: „Trieste, the Tergeste of the Romans,  and the chief seaport of  Austria, with 121,976 inhabitants, lies at the North-Eastern end of the Adriatic. It was made a free harbor by Emperor Charles VI in 1719. About 14,000 vessels, including 5,000 steamers, of an aggregate burden of 2.25 million tons, enter and clear the harbor annually. The annual value of the imports is about 145, that of the exports about 117 million florins. In the heterogenous population the Italian element predominates; about one-sixth of the inhabitants are Slavs, and there are only about 5,000 Germans.“

View of Trieste in 1885 (Wikicommons)

The Südbahn station which connects Trieste to Graz and Vienna lies one half mile to the north of the city center. On the Piazza Grande are „the handsome new offices of the „Austrian Lloyd“, a steamboat company established in 1833. The Piazza Giuseppina is embellished with a statue of the unfortunate Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. A very pleasant excursion is to the château Miramar, formerly owned by Maximilian.

Baedeker map of Trieste 1891

Baedeker map of Trieste 1891

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