Singapore, 14 July 1893

Unfortunately, Job’s news arrived in form of a telegram out of Bangkok announcing that the arrival of two French cruisers at the estuary had caused great commotion and there was now uncertainty what could happen as a consequence of the French action. I immediately had sent another telegram to Coudenhove in order to obtain the utmost achievable clarity about the possibility of our visit in Bangkok.

In the afternoon the commander informed us about a note from the British gunboat HMS „Pigmy“ which stated that two French ships had forced their way into Menam and an engagement happened at Paknam.

We stayed again in the roads, this time to load provisions and to await news from Siam as we still had hope that events would take a different turn at the last moment and yet permit a visit of Bangkok.

Some newspaper from Austria and the German Empire that we had managed to procure from a club in Singapore were eagerly devoured.


  • Location: Singapore
  • ANNO – on 14.07.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Die Journalisten“. The k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is closed from 1 June to 19 July.
The Wiener Salonblatt No, 29 tells it readers that FF has arrived in Singapore but does not mention his illness. It, however, knows that FF will spend the next two weeks in Siam.

The Wiener Salonblatt No, 29 tells it readers that FF has arrived in Singapore but does not mention his illness. It, however, knows that FF will spend the next two weeks in Siam.

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