Guleria, 17 March 1893

The camp in Dechta Boli was dismantled early in the morning and then the whole caravan moved 13 km to the new camp at Guleria.

Immediately after our arrival, the shikaris set out looking out for tigers with a group of elephants, only to return three hours later with the message that they had looked in all suitable places without finding any tigers. By the way, the natives had predicted that Guleria would be more of a rest stop than a hunting terrain and added that the likelihood was small despite the inviting jungles.

In view of the advanced hour and the great tiredness of the elephants we made a day of rest in Guleria, which greatly aided the pachyderms much strained by the previous days‘ exertions. The involuntary pause of our hunting life — not without reflections about the respective advantages of the writing pen and the gun — was used to complete the mail.

With the approaching darkness came heavy clouds and a downpour started. Even if the tents proved to be impermeable to rain, we still had to suffer from this  disagreeable meteorological phenomenon, as all objects inside the tents, especially the clothes and underwear became completely wet.


  • Location: Guleria, Nepal
  • ANNO – on 17.03.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Hamlet“, while the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is performing „Hernani“.

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