Dechta Boli, 16 March 1893

We were still hopeful to catch tigers. For this reason, the camp had not been dismantled. As at 10 o’clock in the morning still no message had arrived, the resident ordered a hunt into a favorable part of the forest, that is a place where tigers used to roam. We did not see here a single tiger during the day-long hunt but much other game; thus I alone bagged 10  chitals, 9 Indian hog deer, one muntjac, one boar, one short-toed snake eagle, one hawk-like eagle of species unknown to me (Spizaetus nipalensis), — part of the Accipitridae — and much other fowl among them a gorgeous vermilion red minivet. Prónay killed a swamp deer with six antler points.

This hunt went across an open forest with a grass floor. Then after a great turn and after crossing of a river it became a contoured terrain  with mixed undergrowth. A large part of the numerous game here escaped — what happened only seldom — through the line of elephants. Still I managed to my joy a coup double of a chital and a boar, which crossed in front of me in their flight.

Suddenly there was a false alarm of a sighting of a panther, but the agitation which took hold of us in expectation soon turned into tragicomic disappointment; the promised panther turned out to be — a boar!

The hunt took us to a peninsula enclosed between two rivers which brought the line of shooters very close together so that each wanted to preempt the other with shots but these were quick and bad shots. Here the rifle was fired at the largest distance, there in commotion a piece of game was hit b< multiple gentlemen.

A small adventure was reserved for good Hodek. He had asked my permission to participate in the hunt: alone towards noon he became concerned about the hides and skins which had to be hanged up for drying and packaged. His sense of duty made him separate himself to return to camp, after his hauda driver, the native who sat with him inn the hauda, was closely instructed about the one hour trip to the camp.  When we returned to the camp in the evening from the hunt, Hodek was still not there. The clock struck 9 o’clock, when he reappeared before our eyes, justly not in agreement with the mahaut time and again missing the way for so many hours on his trip across half Nepal.


  • Location: Dechta Boli, Nepal
  • ANNO – on 16.03.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing „Kriemhilde“, while the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is performing  the ballet „Excelsior“.

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