At Sea to Singapore, 1 April 1893

Splendid weather, the sea as smooth as glass, most severe heat. Even though I stayed only for a short time in the engine room to which I had gone down, I nevertheless returned on deck drenched in sweat. The heroism shown by our brave stokers who are only relieved every four hours and do their hard work in a blazing space is truly admirable.

Spouts of water rising in a great distance indicated the presence of two sperm whales.

In the afternoon towards 4 o’clock small Table Island, the northernmost island of the Andamans, with its lighthouse became visible at a distance of four miles on starboard, while we passed through Preparis South Canal. The island is, as far as I could distinguish with the spyglass covered with rich vegetation, namely palm trees and, usually uninhabited, only serves fishermen as a temporary quarter.

In the evening we enjoyed a splendid full moon that illuminated the sea and our snow-white „Elisabeth“ in a magical light and mirrored itself in the slightly sparkling waves. For a long time I listened on the bridge to the songs of our crew that was convened on the iron deck.

Late in the evening appeared on backboard, emerging like a ghost out of the sea,  the 710 m high volcanic island Narcondam, a precious point of orientation in navigation.


  • Location: At Sea to Singapore
  • ANNO – on 01.04.1893 in Austria’s newspapers.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is closed until 2nd April, the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater until 1st April.

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