At Sea to Port Said, 19 December 1892

During the night the northeast wind had stiffened considerably. “Elisabeth” was rolling strongly, in the cabins, some of the during the day improperly fixated objects were performing a true witches’ dance.

When I came to the bridge at 6 o’clock in the morning, the officer of the watch reported that the sea had been stormy during the night. The rolling continued during the full morning even though the wind calmed down. 22 degree Celsius.

Today, no land was visible, for the first time we saw but sky and water during the whole day.


  • Location: at sea between Crete and Egypt
  • ANNO – on 19.12.1892 in Austria’s newspapers. The Neue Freie Presse mentions that the Emperor, Archduke Ferdinand of Tuscany, Archduke Leopold Salvator and Prince Louis of Bavaria spent Franz Ferdinand’s birthday on the train departing at 2.45 pm to a hunting retreat. They will return on the 21st December 1892.
  • Hunting is dangerous: The Neue Freie Presse notes that Baron Alphonse Rothschild has been hit in the eye by a piece of lead from the hunting rifle’s recoil on 18th December 1892 in France. A special private telegram from Paris informs that the eye is not fatally threatened. The doctors recommend 14 days‘ rest in bed to recover.
The Wiener Vivarium advertizes talking parrots and domesticated apes as Christmas presents.

The Wiener Vivarium advertises talking parrots and domesticated apes as Christmas presents.

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