At Sea to Port Kennedy, 4 May 1893

Today is a sad day of commemoration for me, and thus the ship music remained silent which usually gladdens us twice a day with happy serenades.

In the morning multiple gentlemen saw part of the sea covered with a large number of yellow flowers that a storm had probably spun there from the Australian coast.

The evening united as usual the members of the staff on the iron deck and I too joined them there. Some of them told interesting stories from their distant travels. The long sea voyage, the constant gathering on the ship brings one ever closer together. The comradely life is strengthened and forms the only but welcome recreation. If one is lucky to have an agreeable circle of officers around oneself such as that embarked on the „Elisabeth“, then one quickly feels like a member of a large family that shares good and bad.

Late in the evening between 10 and 11 o’clock the wind becomes fresher. The moon looks clearly down upon us. This time offers one of the most pleasant moments of the whole day. Standing on the bridge our body and soul is refreshed by breathing in the cool air.


  • Location: north of Australia
  • ANNO – on 04.05.1893 in Austria’s newspapers. The Emperor started his visit of Budapest on 3 May meeting Count Tisza at the flower exhibition.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater and the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater are closed today due to „the highest order“.


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