At Sea to Port Kennedy, 30 April 1893

Still during the night, during the dog watch, the ship passed between the Paternoster islands and the bank Maria Reigersbergen Medang. In the morning the island of Sumbawa with its 2756 m high volcano Tambora became visible. The island is under the command of the governor of Celebes. For all these relatively small islands their characteristic mountains rise steeply directly out of the sea and reach important heights. As could be distinguished through the looking glass they too have a rich tropical vegetation that is interrupted sometimes by less obstructing patches of what seem to be grass.

Towards noon we also saw the island of Sangeang which actually only consists of the volcano Goenoeng Api, a cone-shaped mountain 1884 m high whose latest strong eruption happened in the year 1820. Later the island of Flores appeared. Its western part is under the command of the governor of Celebes, while the remaining island is part of the residency of Timor islands to the east of Sumba — and now we were in the sea of Flores.

For the first time I observed multiple frigate birds (Tachypetes aquilus) that flew around our ship. I also shot a few times but the distance was too large to have reached my target.

Due to the many rain storms that poured down, church service took place today in the battery. Finally the sky cleared up and the weather remained constant until the evening so that we could for once again enjoy a gorgeous sunset with its beautiful intensive colors that are uniquely reserved to the tropical regions. Thus the sky was brilliant in most varied colors from the mst subtle pink to the darkest purple and this whole colorful splendor was mirrored in the calm sea as if it had been doused in fire.


  • Location: At Sea ear Flores
  • ANNO – on 30.04.1893 in Austria’s newspapers. The German Emperor visited Pompeii albeit completely in the mist.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing the tragedy „Die neue Zeit“, while the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is performing Mozart’s opera “Die Zauberflöte”.

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