At Sea to Port Kennedy. 3 May 1893

During both days no land in sight. We were driving in a South-eastern direction towards Thursday Island, and „Elisabeth“ is calmly slicing through the blue sea. The weather is very beautiful, in the cabins the temperature is dropping.

In the Java and Flores sea, the currents were very irregular, in the Wetar passage South-west and South-east, in the Arafura sea they do not come constantly from a particular direction. The drift due to the breaking waves is never more than 14 sea miles during 24 hours. The sea is not deep in the direction of our course. We are constantly at 28 fathoms.


  • Location: north of Australia
  • ANNO – on 03.05.1893 in Austria’s newspapers. Chicago announces that 300.000 persons participated in the opening of its world exhibition. The German Emperor made a stop in Lucerne, Switzerland on his way home from Italy.
  • The k.u.k. Hof-Burgtheater is playing the drama „Die Zauberin am Stein“, while the k.u.k. Hof-Operntheater is performing the opera “Die Rantzau”.

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